Water's Myth Reimagining | Retelling | Mythology
is a Digital Art Series based on stories from Indian Mythology that connect us to the element of water as seen in nature and philosophy. Water's Myth is a series of 18 artworks created through the artist's unique process of hand illustrations combined with digital techniques. Each work is scalable from postcard to large mural size. For exhibitions, collabs and orders please write to me at studioantarartma@gmail.com.
Number of artworks - 18
Year - 2014-2020
What is "Water's Myth"?

All cultures create and tell stories. Myths, stories, legends, folklore, offer valuable understanding into how people perceive and think about their world. Even when a culture no longer believes that its myths are true explanations, these stories can be seen as receptacles of important cultural values.
The Water’s Myth series re-imagines and re-tells stories from Hindu Mythology, where often Nature and Divine are interwoven. Water being the basis of our existence on the planet can also be seen as a prominent medium of thought in Indian mythology. The Water’s Myth Series draws upon philosophy, spirituality, history, folklore, linguistics, and literature to visually recreate the ancient Hindu worldview. The series is my attempt to tap into an ancient mythic consciousness, to rekindle the dynamics that could render meaning and intelligibility to ideas of the past, through these artworks.
My process in these artworks is to illustrate all elements by hand and then visually compose and complete them using digital art and painting tools. While the myths are chosen from scriptural texts I rewrite them in my own words, as a story accompaniment to my artistic visuals.
While you are looking at the artworks here I am currently in the process of compiling these artworks and stories into a Coffee Table book called "Water's Myth". Looking forward to sharing the book with you in the coming few months.

Let the water cleanse. Within them, they hold the divine gift of renewal.

The waters contain all there is to know. But only through detached action can we
discern knowledge.

"The waters have the power to destroy. But controlled through knowledge, they nourish the world."

Above the waters there is good and evil, action and reaction. Below, there’s only
eternal peace.

The waters are a gift sent to help all life flourish. Share them and let them flow.

Let the waters rejuvenate. Only then can earth be preserved.

Don’t fear the waters will impede. They help the virtuous along the path of dharma.

Have faith and the waters will redeem. Lose faith and the path of suffering opens.

None can escape Maya. Yet curb the ego, and you can see through it as clearly as through water.

We are born and reborn of waters that have no beginning or end. Touch them and be reminded of this.

Drink deep of the waters. They contain the essence of truth.

The waters hold memories that humans have lost. Bathe in them and be reminded of the essence of being.

The waters are God’s blessings manifested on earth. Cherish and protect them.

Pollute the waters with bad thoughts, and darkness will spread. Cleanse them and they will spread joy and exuberance.

Swar Sadhana
The realm of water underlies all. Even man at the centre of it all is made up of water. The dimension where linearity fails.

Uttanka Megh
Water is a blessing and a symbol of life. Whoever gives it to you is divine

Let the lord burst your bubble of human consciousness and ego. Outside it flow the
waters of timeless consciousness.